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The GANT brand is primarily shirts with a rich heritage and history, created by the founder of the brand, Bernard Gantmacher. White buttoned shirt, first worn by English polo players in the late 1940s, was a must-have for any well-dressed man. What was once a family store is now a global, best-selling brand in the world. Although the GANT shirt has undoubtedly evolved over the years by changing its style, it still remains our heart and soul.

The GANT brand defines a style characterized by freedom and elegance at the same time.

We invite both men who appreciate good style, the best fabrics and original designs, and women who will surely find the perfect clothes and accessories for themselves. The salon offers suggestions that will allow you to dress from head to toe. We will professionally help you complete the entire total look and choose accessories such as belts or bags, which are a great combination with our clothing offer.

The GANT store is the perfect place for all lovers of high-quality, original designs and elegant ease.




Designer Outlet Warszawa
Sklep 088
Puławska 42E
05-500 Piaseczno

+48 538 509 725